Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Editing Practice

Tonight Dust went to a Twins game, so Reyce and I snuck outside while Quinny was napping. I was able to capture a few keepers in between Reyce pretending to be a frog!

Once Quinny woke up we gave her some snuggles.

Monday, July 27, 2009


So, thanks to everyone for getting the word out that I'm taking my photography hobby more serious. I really appreciate it! I just wanted to put the word out that I have a few sessions booked for August, but would love to have even more practice. Please let me know if you're available and willing. It shouldn't be too painful!

Monday, July 20, 2009

We'll Miss You!

Tonight I had my first practice session with a special family to us. Over the past year they have become close friends and have watched the girls during the day. They're moving to Georgia this coming weekend and we're SO going to miss all you girls! Thanks so much for the practice.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Practice makes....very tired!

I've been practicing like crazy the past couple of weeks trying to learn what I can. I'm finding reading and alot of trial and error is the best form of training for me. I know there's been alot of pics lately...it'll tame down soon!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Quick pics with Quinny

Tonight I had a little free time with Quinny so I attempted to take a few pics of her. She was a LITTLE cranky so not much was accomplished. I just took Reyce's old scarf and used it on her.

I have my first practice session later this week. I'm a little nervous...I can't forget to pick up another memory card!

Quinny with her rainbow sweater

Reyce at Home